Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas!/JaLynns Birthday

JaLynns getting to celebrate her Birthday early this year because we will be gone at the time :)

A closer view of the cake

Our church made a simple video for Christmas, so the last day I brought along my camera and got a few snaps.
Kaylena as a shepherd

David as Jesus. He was in SUCH a bad mood both times!!
(Who said Jesus never cried?)

Wise men
(Abigail, Emily and Mitch)

(Grace and JaLynn)

Mary and Jesus

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and A Great New Year ahead of you!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is this your psalm?

The 23rd Channel
The TV is my shepherd. My spiritual growth shall want.
It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for its names sake, because it requireth all my spare time. It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian, because it presenteth so many good shows that I must see.
It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world and keepeth me from the study of Gods work. It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend the evening (or other) church services, and doing nothing in the Kingdom of God.
Yea, though I live to be a hundred I shall keep viewing my TV as long as it will work, for it is my closest companion.
Its sounds and pictures they comfort me.
It presenteth entertainment before me and keepeth me from doing important things with my family. It fill my head with ideas which differ from those in the Word of God.
Surely no good things will come out of my life because of so many wasted hours, and I shall dwell in my regrets and remorse forever.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and got to have different relatives and friends:)
I didn't get very many good pictures but here are a few random photos.

Duane and our cousin Mitch playing some kind of knuckle game?

David enjoyed his Thanksgiving day by sleeping all afternoon!

Dad decided the throw-away plastic plates just weren't big enough to hold all the food! That was AFTER it broke on him and the floor got half of his food.

Ben and our cousin Zack arm wrestling. They were perfectly tie, and after not getting anywhere after at least five minutes they decided to call it a tie.

Kim and Kevin
(They are now engaged!)

I brought the lady I work for over for Thanksgiving. She used to own her own fur business so here dad is trying out her coat. Needless to say he was a little to big for it :)

Dad and Mrs. Brown
(They just both can't get into the coat at the same time!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Here is a song...think about it :)
Twenty Inches

Your Bible is filled with knowledge
Your heart is filled with hate.
Without the blood of Jesus you won’t enter that gate
You can have good intentions know what the Bible tells.
But if you don’t have Jesus. it will take you straight to hell. .

There is only twenty Inches between Heaven and Hell.
Knowing your doing what the Bible tells.
Knowing in your mind doing with your heart.
That’s why Heaven and Hell is twenty inches apart.

You’ve heard of God’s love heard of the endless days.
You’ve heard it preached a thousand different ways.
You wear the right clothes and have a good religion.
But if you’re not born again you’re in a lost Condition.

Now the answer to the problem is call upon my Lord.
Don’t just know about him but know him by his word.
Lean upon his grace not your works my friend.
Or you’ll miss Heaven by twenty inches at the end

I said knowing in your mind doing with your heart.
That’s why Heaven and Hell is only twenty inches apart.
Friend don’t miss Heaven by twenty inches in the end
Many people KNOW the answer, but that doesn't get you anywhere! Twenty inches is just too close to miss Heaven by...don't ya think?

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Last week we got to go to revivals in Bridger MT again :)

Every year they put on a four day revival and we've enjoyed attending the last few years. This year I finally got some pictures, but because I was to busy listening I missed some of the best parts...music and the speaking.

They enjoyed a little bit of football on Saturday

I liked the way Jimmy played :p My style

The weather was so nice!! Some of them ended up having a water fight

A new game

David made a new friend

We had good fellowship

The main speaker for this year was Amos Raber. He did a wonderful job!

We knew him from a couple years ago when he came out to sing/speak at the ladys prison in Billings, MT and we got to go with him. Since then we've been privilaged to get to see him at least once or twice a year at the prison crusades, so it was wonderful to get to see him again!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fun times

Life here has been really busy the last couple months!
But, there has been some great 'fun times' that comes along with it.
The weather has been perfect to be outdoors

Ride em cowboy!

Hmm, wonder what Joe is taking a picture of?

mmm, yummy!

Oh, horsies turn now

View from the hill behind our house
What happened to Ben?


OK, now come

Good boy!

Time to practice our shooting:)

Unload it from the 4-wheeler


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Summer yet?

Well, well, well, looks like its already summertime here!

I walked into the living room the other day to see that it was turned into a field of gardens!! Believe it or not, but I found out a few new things. I never realized they came out with certain species of vegetables that grew the plastics ON them!!

Kaylena picking her vegetables :)

Luanna enjoying her bounty supply of flowers

JaLynn just picked her two apples and couldn't resist picking her lily :D

Now its time to look at their gardens!!

The "Gardens" from (almost) sky view

Lily, marshmallows, tea, and carrots

JaLynn's full garden

(You might find it interesting to know that marshmallows actually do grow, tea grows in bags, and corn does grow in containers *smile*)

Luanna's garden

flowers, apples, cotton, raspberries, onions, and tea

closer view of her cotton and apple groves

Kaylena's flower garden

Kaylena's vegetable garden

lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli, tomatoes, apples, and tea

Mmmm, I can almost taste the fresh "home-grown" food!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Atnips Enterprise

This is a copy of the Atnips Enterprise. Handwritten in Cody Wyoming by Luanna Atnip, owner, publisher, editor and any other thing that may be needed.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get a copy of the original pictures so you'll have to use your imagination as far as that goes.

Atnips Enterprise

(Imagine a drawing of a big rectangle with two circles underneath, a windshield on the front, the letters RMHS on the side, and a window with a hand waving out of it.)

Atnip Family is coming back after two months of being gone. Mostly singing, taking baths, playing and visiting. They met a family with 25 kids.

(Next page)

(The original showed this next page of classifieds as horizontal, but because of limited knowledge on the bloggers part you will see it shown vertically)


Show put on byLuanna and JaLynn. March12, 3:30pm.

Tickets will be on table at 10:30am

Joseph and Julie Atnip must come, they will receive one small gift each at the end.

For Sale

See Shells From Sarasota Florida.

For more information ask Luanna


JaLynn wants everybody to know that she is five.

(Next page)

If you want anything in the next Atnips Enterprise

Ask Luanna at 307-587-4988


39 County RD 6SS

Cody, WY 82414

Thank you for reading the Atnips Enterprise

We hope you get and read the next one.

Monday, March 3, 2008

We're Home!

Hello everybody! I We are home after exactly 7 weeks (even to the hour) of traveling. Its always nice to go, but on the other hand its nice to get back too!

Jalynn happily unpacking her clothes

Our neibor took excellent care of our plants and animals while we were away. Its nice to come back and see everything well cared for :)

I know the lighting isn't very good...

Now its time to unpack!! It normally takes us a few days to get everything all brought in and put away, and to get back into our normal routine.

Now that we are home we will be able to cook 'real' meals. I don't know though...we've had quite a few really good meals from different people/place on our trip! It was sort of nice not to have to wonder what we are going to fix for supper :D