Last week we got to go to revivals in Bridger MT again :)
Every year they put on a four day revival and we've enjoyed attending the last few years. This year I finally got some pictures, but because I was to busy listening I missed some of the best and the speaking.
They enjoyed a little bit of football on Saturday

The weather was so nice!! Some of them ended up having a water fight

A new game

David made a new friend

We had good fellowship

I liked the way Jimmy played :p My style

The weather was so nice!! Some of them ended up having a water fight

A new game

David made a new friend

We had good fellowship
We knew him from a couple years ago when he came out to sing/speak at the ladys prison in Billings, MT and we got to go with him. Since then we've been privilaged to get to see him at least once or twice a year at the prison crusades, so it was wonderful to get to see him again!