Its hard to believe that May is almost over! Its been so busy that we haven't really been able to spend much time enjoying it--or maybe that's because its been to cold and rainy to enjoy it much :)
Joe went to taxidermy school for a couple weeks the end of April and part of May. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of his adventure on my computer, so you'll have to go without looking at the dead animals :D
Moms sister and her family came out for a few days. It was so fun having them around! To bad it rained practically the whole time they were here. We had fun anyway though.
Ever since we were way little its always been sort of a tradition to play games on the trampoline
Playing 'Running waters-Still waters'
Playing 'Running waters-Still waters'
I have been complaining a lot about the weather. This year it seems like we've had a lot more rain than we normally have, but I actually love it! Gives me energy when it rains. I just don't like the mud!
We did have some nice days though :)
David found the spray paint can and decided to try his hand at repainting Duane's marking on the ground. Obviously he ended up getting himself instead. Hey, have you ever seen orange eyelashes?!?! Its stylish!
You can tell I've done nothing but sit around all winter because I was super sore afterwards! I know, its absolutely ridiculous!
Too bad I didn't end up getting pictures of more. Time flies by so quickly I'm sure that even a year from now I would enjoy looking at some pictures...but, guess that's how it goes.
Now to get out there and enjoy some more of this weather!! :D