During our trip I had so many events and happenings that I couldn't wait to post as soon as we got home (Because of the never-ending search for stealable internet :p) But as time went on other things just happened and I obviously never got any of it posted before I forgot the majority of it all. Soooo...yeah, that's all old news now!
Last week I had the coolest opportunity to buy the most awesomest horse! He is a (registerable) 4 year old Tennessee Walker gelding that not only is a half brother to the foal I'm expecting, BUT related in three different ways to Roy Roger's horse Trigger (Jr.) The part that I liked the best was that he was extremely cheap :D So, I did what all smart people do and bought him!
However, I have been struggling with making sure my priorities are in the right place. Because of taking reigning classes with my mare the past 6 weeks I've spent an extreme amount of time riding and working with my horse. And even though that in itself is not wrong, I've started feeling like I've been placing that above some other things important to me. (Like spending time with my siblings, or doing my share of the work) So after praying about it I decided to place it on the Lords hands, and be willing to do whatever He wants me to do.
I heard my Uncle was looking for a horse, so I decided that I'd sell it to him for the same price I bought him for, and if he bought him, fine, and if he didn't I'd train him for a few months and sell him at a nice profit later on this year (Or next :)) I asked the Lord to lead in whatever way He wanted for me.
My uncle did end up buying him, and as much as I'm tempted to be depressed because I like him so much and feel like I gave up a deal of a lifetime, I am also glad because I do know in my heart that I decided to give it to the Lord, and I feel like this is His answer to prayer. It's better for me, my family, and definitely for my uncle, of whom I may tend to be a teeny tad bit jealous of :p lol
I'm so grateful for the Lords leading in my life! He is an AWESOME Father to us not-always-so-understanding children.
Today it started raining and snowing outside. I guess summer isn't quite here yet.
I need to start watching out what I say about the weather because the poor lady I work for who is a paraplegic and only gets out of her house once a year said that she always knows exactly how the weather is/was because if it's bad I always end up complaining about it. The ironic thing is I have a sticky note posted on the screen of my computer saying "Never complain about anything, not even the weather." So much for THAT reminding and keeping me from complaining!
Well, I've got a bad headache today, so I guess I'll call it a night and head on to bed early. (I'm not complaining by the way! :p)
Hope all of you have a blessed day full of grace and peace from the Lord :-)