Monday, March 10, 2008

Atnips Enterprise

This is a copy of the Atnips Enterprise. Handwritten in Cody Wyoming by Luanna Atnip, owner, publisher, editor and any other thing that may be needed.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get a copy of the original pictures so you'll have to use your imagination as far as that goes.

Atnips Enterprise

(Imagine a drawing of a big rectangle with two circles underneath, a windshield on the front, the letters RMHS on the side, and a window with a hand waving out of it.)

Atnip Family is coming back after two months of being gone. Mostly singing, taking baths, playing and visiting. They met a family with 25 kids.

(Next page)

(The original showed this next page of classifieds as horizontal, but because of limited knowledge on the bloggers part you will see it shown vertically)


Show put on byLuanna and JaLynn. March12, 3:30pm.

Tickets will be on table at 10:30am

Joseph and Julie Atnip must come, they will receive one small gift each at the end.

For Sale

See Shells From Sarasota Florida.

For more information ask Luanna


JaLynn wants everybody to know that she is five.

(Next page)

If you want anything in the next Atnips Enterprise

Ask Luanna at 307-587-4988


39 County RD 6SS

Cody, WY 82414

Thank you for reading the Atnips Enterprise

We hope you get and read the next one.

Monday, March 3, 2008

We're Home!

Hello everybody! I We are home after exactly 7 weeks (even to the hour) of traveling. Its always nice to go, but on the other hand its nice to get back too!

Jalynn happily unpacking her clothes

Our neibor took excellent care of our plants and animals while we were away. Its nice to come back and see everything well cared for :)

I know the lighting isn't very good...

Now its time to unpack!! It normally takes us a few days to get everything all brought in and put away, and to get back into our normal routine.

Now that we are home we will be able to cook 'real' meals. I don't know though...we've had quite a few really good meals from different people/place on our trip! It was sort of nice not to have to wonder what we are going to fix for supper :D